Abra Kadabra, Sanhedrin’s Manipulation to Moshiach, the Son of Perdition

Dear friends and chosen elect of our Lord Jesus the Christ the KING of KINGS,

The Sinai-GOG of Satan is manipulating global events to fool and bemuse the apostate masses of the earth.

The Great Fallen away is near accomplished, apostasy of the leaven of the Pharisees is now become wholesale.

The Latest scheme is of course Yehudi Arabia as I have warned a very long time.

The Great Harlot pays her lovers to come into her.

The Prophets of Baa’l of the Sinai GOG of Satan Manipulate Global events, so that they wail…..see we have told you that our redeemer is not Jesus, but our Moshiach will be “Revealed” they lead the apostate masses down into the pit of destruction, their catholicos and evangelical Noahides along with them. They are pitting Saudi Sunni moslem against Iran Sheiite Moslems by design. The Palestinians will be enslaved as obedient Noahides and then the rest of the “Goyim” world, as per…




Here: https://noahidenews.com/2016/07/29/yehudi-arabia-and-the-greater-israel-scheme/

“Rabbi Yitzchak said: ‘In the year in which the Messiah-King appears, all the nations of the world are provoking each other. The King of Persia provokes an Arab king and the Arab king turns to Aram for advice. And the King of Persia goes back and destroys the entire world. And all the nations of the world are in panic and distress and they fall upon their faces and are seized with pains like those of a woman giving birth, and Israel are in panic and distress and asking ‘where shall we go? Where shall we go?,’ and He says to them ‘my sons, do not fear; all that I have done, I have done only for you. Why are you afraid? Do not fear, your time of redemption has come, and the final redemption is not like the first redemption, because the first redemption was followed by sorrow and servitude under other kingdoms, but the final redemption is not followed by sorrow and servitude under other kingdoms.”






Trump is orchestrated by Satan’s Sanhedrin the Sinai-GOG…..



New Saudi Royal Appointment Appears to Correspond with Prophecy

Last week, the reigning Saudi monarch replaced one crown prince with another, dividing the fragmented world of Islam even further, increasing the tensions between Sunni Islam and Shiites. The shifting reality in the Middle East has political analysts in a quandary, but this very development was predicted explicitly in an ancient Jewish source, and one rabbi, an expert in end-of-days prophecy, explained that this global shift in politics is returning the world to a more Biblical framework.

A drama unfolded in Saudi Arabia last Wednesday as Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud named his son, Mohammed bin Salman, 31, to be his successor to the throne. The move is contentious, creating conflict in the upper echelons of Saudi royalty. In order to make the appointment, King Salman had to remove the current crown prince, Mohammed Ben Naif, from the position. Ben Naif, the king’s cousin,was barred from leaving the kingdom and confined to his palace in the coastal city of Jidda in order to prevent any conspiring or infighting.

Prince Mohammed is currently the kingdom’s Defense Minister and is a regional leader in the Sunni opposition to Iran. Prince Mohammed has united most of the Sunni countries in an alliance to oppose the burgeoning strength of the Shiite nations – led by Iran. The two groups, Sunni and Shiite, are fighting via proxy forces in a number of Arab countries, including Syria and Yemen.

In his role as Defense Minister, Mohammed bin Salman classified the Shiite Hezbollah group as a terror organization, led the move to isolate Qatar for its increasing cooperation with Iran, and signed a massive arms deal with the US for $100 million in new military hardware. Mohammed bin Salman is also reported to enjoy close ties with Israeli defense officials.

This royal reshuffling has political pundits scratching their heads, though the implications are dire. American President Donald Trump is currently building a coalition to oppose Iran, and Saudi Arabia is expected to fulfill a leading role in it, though now, it is unclear how the new Saudi king fits in, or how the other Muslim nations, friend and foe, will react.

The surprising appointment of Mohammed as the successor to the throne conforms to the sequence of events predicted in the Yalkut Shimoni, a compilation of rabbinic commentary on the Bible, is believed to have been composed in the 13th century. In the section dealing with the Book of Isaiah, the following passage appears:

“Rabbi Yitzchak said: ‘In the year in which the Messiah-King appears, all the nations of the world are provoking each other. The King of Persia (Iran) provokes an Arab king and the Arab king turns to Aram for advice. And the King of Persia (Iran) goes back and destroys the entire world. And all the nations of the world are in panic and distress and they fall upon their faces and are seized with pains like those of a woman giving birth, and Israel are in panic and distress and asking ‘where shall we go? Where shall we go?,’ and He says to them ‘my sons, do not fear; all that I have done, I have done only for you. Why are you afraid? Do not fear, your time of redemption has come, and the final redemption is not like the first redemption, because the first redemption was followed by sorrow and servitude under other kingdoms, but the final redemption is not followed by sorrow and servitude under other kingdoms.”

Rabbi Pinchas Winston, prolific author and End-of-Days scholar, explained that in the context of this prophecy, Iran could indeed be identified as its previous incarnation: the nation of Persia. The Arab king referred to in the text could be the king of Saudi Arabia, present or future. But the identity of Aram is much more problematic.

“Geographically, Aram was Babylonia, known today as Iraq,” Rabbi Winston told Breaking Israel News. “But it doesn’t necessarily come down to that. When the Bible uses these national names, it is identifying them also by their characteristics, their soul-natures.”

Rabbi Winston said that it is important to step back and see the prophecy in context of the larger picture.

“What the prophecy is telling us on a basic level is that when these specific things happen, it means that things are moving,” the rabbi said. “You should be looking for something significant, something stunning and earthshaking,that will happen in ways that don’t make sense unless you see it in a divine light.”

Rabbi Winston stated unequivocally that current events lead to one conclusion: the world has reverted to a Biblical reality in which prophecy is more relevant than ever before.

“In the times of the Bible, even the evil people believed in God, but then the world entered a period of hester panim (the hiding of God’s face),” the rabbi explained. “It became possible to not believe in God. We are returning to the Biblical framework, when current events become similar to events in the Bible, because God is again revealing himself.”

Unlike political analysts who are unsure where current events are leading, the rabbi seemed clear.

“When you can start reading history and current events back into the Bible, that is in itself a sign that we are in the times of the Moshiach (Messiah),” he said. “ At this point, it looks like this has nothing to do with Israel, but as we know, in the end-of days it all comes down to Israel.


And as is custom I sent link to Dov Stein, Secretariat of Satan’s Sinhedrin…..

His response..

From: דב שטיין [mailto:dovstein1@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, July 1, 2017 2:56 PM
To: Robert Pickle
Subject: Re: FW: Sanhedrin’s Manipulation to Moshiach

I see that you can not stand it…christianity- Its time has passed.

My Reply………..

Robert Pickle <robert@varidrill.com>

Sat 7/1/2017 3:08 PM

‘דב שטיין’ <dovstein1@gmail.com>

Ha ha, Dov….

Like King David, I hate them who hate my GOD with a pure Hatred.

Soon the inhabitants of the earth will make their final decision to choose  the chooser the Christ, Jesus and eternal Life,

Or the counterfeit and eternal destruction, the Destroyer whose jewish name is Abbadon……Moshiach ben David the ROBBER.

Repent in the Name above every name and the only name in which to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus whom your fathers crucified.
Do not be deceived.



2 thoughts on “Abra Kadabra, Sanhedrin’s Manipulation to Moshiach, the Son of Perdition

  1. This one comment from that ribeye in so evil…what a surprise when he realizes ..it all comes down to Jesus Christ, and the humans HE loves and came to Save, why do you think is is called HIStory ! They think the Bible is about them? the hubris, their time is almost up to acknowledge and believe Jesus is their only King. Their part in the Bible is about how they had their chance to lift high the Faith in Jesus Christ to the world and they rejected Him, the Stone the builders rejected. God gave them the most important human job in the Universe and they got themselves fired again and again, for pride and rebellion. How patient God was with them, He gave them chance after chance, they were tasked with building the faith and they blew it, they lost everything and killed Jesus, their One True Seed and Messiah, their blindness through seething pride is unreal.

    “When you can start reading history and current events back into the Bible, that is in itself a sign that we are in the times of the Moshiach (Messiah),” he said. “ At this point, it looks like this has nothing to do with Israel, but as we know, in the end-of days it all comes down to Israel.

    What Bible are they reading their satanic israel bible?

    You really can observe God’s Power , to turn them and let them stay in their reprobate minds, to allow them or let them dwell in their iniquity because of rebellion. It is an amazing thing about God’s graciousness, He waits and waits, He could easily cause anyone to turn back to Him, but He wants true love, not coerced, weird thing about being made in His image and the granting of free will. We can only truly return to Jesus , submitting our lives to Him when we admit how much we need Him, when we admit we have no righteousness of our own to offer. The mirror of the Law does this, it is the schoolmaster. But these blinded people are so full of pride, they think their “keeping of the Law” saves them, even their longed for mosscoveredschiach is just a side note to their own self righteousness.

    The Bible is about God’s love and His longsuffering for All to come to repentance, even the stiffnecked and perverse people who crucified Him. They still have a chance, His will is that none should perish , but they need the Righteousness of Jesus Christ, nothing more, nothing less. Jesus paid it all , all to Him we owe.

    Self righteousness is filthy rags and gets you thrown into the Lake of Fire……forever and ever. You need His Righteousness!

    The simplicity of Christ is amazing, it is all about Him, nothing about any of us. We all deserve to be consumed.

    2 Corinthians 11:3 KJV
    But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

    Lamentations 3:22 KJV
    It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.


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