Yehudi Arabia Partners with the Great Whore of Babylon to Usher in False Christ, Moshiach ben David the Man of Sin

Image result for Daniels vision Goat attacks Ram pics

To those Living Saints of God who have an ear to hear,

The script of Satan’s Sinai-GOG the anti-Christ of the earth whose working is after the powers of Satan that Old Dragon,  is now being played out minutely.

Never mind the “Political ” Yappity Yap” Yapping lap dogs main stream media and now two fold their children of hell proselytes so called “Alternative News” sites which cannot bark at the Elephant in the room, for their views are now in comparison to  Tabloid secular political trash rags, these cannot understand the spiritual acts being played out, Orchestrated by the Way and the TRUTH and The Life.

Follow closely and perhaps if you are not yet fully awake, your slumber might evade you. This is a prayer in Jesus the Christ the Lord’s Mighty Name.

As reported from the Orthodox Hasidic Talmudic Itsreallyhelly news site:,……


“Rabbi Yitzhak said: The year that  Melech HaMoshiach  (False Christ, Son of Perdition) will be revealed, (see KJV 2 Thes 2)

all the kings of the nations of the world will provoke each other. The king of Persia [in modern times they changed the name of their country to “Iran”] will threaten the king of Arabia [today called “Saudi” Arabia] and because of this the king of Arabia will go to the king of Edom [USA] for advice.

USA, CIA, MOSSAD ITSREALLYHELL and Saudi Arabia Make Alliance in the final Push……

The Hoax of Trump’s Rhetoric regarding North Korea is Hegelian Dialectics to occupy the fear mongering of the earths dumbmasses……………………..Thus giving Itsreallyhell further greenlights to their desire for greater Itsreallyhell, Eretz Israel from the Nile unto the Euphrates. All of the inhabitants to bow in Obeisance to Satan’s Noahide Laws or to be slain.

Afterwards the king of Persia will destroy [most of] the world. The remaining nations will be hysterical and frantic and fall on their faces and will be seized as if by “birth pains”.

And the people of Israel will be frantic and hysterical and they will say, where will we come and go? Where will be come and go?

And Hashem will say to them: Do not fear my children, do not fear. All that I have done I did only for you. Why are you afraid? The time for your Redemption has come!


Rabbi Yitzhak said [about 2000 years ago!]:

The year that  Melech HaMoshiach

(Molech ha Moshiach, the Son of Perdition whose Mark is that star made with their hands to Chiun and Remphan, Molech, that pagan six pointed star of “David”)

will be revealed [what is expected to happen in the world at the time when Melech HaMoshiach will be revealed], all the kings of the nations of the world will provoke each other [the threats of war among the nations will be heard in every corner of the world throughout the countries and between one another].

(KJV Matthew 24)


[The numbers in parenthesis refer to further explanations found in the Hebrew version]

PHASE 1   (2) King of Persia [Leader of Iran] (4) will threaten (3) the King of Arabia [threats of war against the king of Saudi Arabia (which is the only Arab country which still has the name “Arabia”)]

PHASE 2   (5) The king of Arabia goes to Edom to get advice from them [The king of Saudi Arabia goes to the Western countries, which are led by America, to consult about how to act against the threat of war from Iran].

KJV see book of Daniel Chapter 8

PHASE 3   “And King of Persia goes back (6) and destroys the whole world [it is clear that you cannot destroy the whole world with conventional weapons. It means to annihilate the world with nuclear weapons. [“and destroys the whole world”– the meaning isn’t actually the whole world, the meaning is “most of it is as all of it”, meaning to destroy most of the countries of the world]”.

“And all the nations of the world will be frantic and hysterical and “falling on their faces” and will be as if seized by (7) something like birth pains [a terrible and horrified fear that was unknown until now will grasp all the remaining nations – lest they too will die in a nuclear war (because they will be unable to protect themselves from the nuclear explosion and the radioactivity that will be formed)].

And the people of Israel will be frantic and hysterical [because of the terrible fear that will be in the world that Iran (Persia) will also attack Israel]. (False Flag Operation) And they will say, where will we come and go [since there will be no possibility to find help or support and there will be no natural way to be saved – and about this situation it is said “we have no one to rely on except our Father in Heaven”] and they will say: “Where will be come and go?” [The Medrish repeats this twice to emphasize the helplessness and fear that will be then].

It is Itsreallyhell who has over 400 nuclear weapons and Nuclear submarines and they are alone in the Mid. East…..Satan once again to sacrifice the lesser bretheran as was done WWII to usher in Eretz Itsreallyhell.

And Hashem (Satan that Old Devil) will say to them [HaKadosh Baruch Hu to the people of Israel]:  do not fear my children [you have nothing to fear], all that I have done I did only for you [HaKadosh Baruch Hu calms Israel, that all the destruction of war was only for your good – to destroy the wicked Kingdom of Edom and to remove evil from this world and make it possible for the Melech HaMoshiach to be revealed and rule over the world] Why are you afraid? “The time  for your Redemption has come!”

For the jews Talmud states good comes from EVIL….


In order that one should not think these words of the Medrish are incompatible with the reality of our days, it is important to clarify what often appears in the media regarding the “King of Persia” (President of Iran) and  about the “mahdi”.

The current president of Iran since his election has declared several times in public, that the main purpose of his government is to promote the arrival of the “mahdi”, and for this purpose all military and economical resources will be given. He also said in the UN Assembly (September 25, 2007) that very soon the powerful Western countries will fall and be destroyed.

Sanhedrin agrees that Madhi is same as Moshiach the Son of Perdition…..

According to his belief and the belief of the radical cult that he is part of, the way to bring “the mahdi”  (the Shiite “messiah” who is supposedly, according to their distorted beliefs, going to impose the region of Islam on the whole world) is by creating a situation of chaos with local and international destruction. That is why the President of Iran says they must ignite a local war and then destroy the Western world (which in his opinion is the root of all evil) using nuclear bombs.

Visa Versa, Itsreallyhell is the culprit.

This threat isn’t just an ideology or idle talk. Recently there was an article in the press that Israeli Intelligence has concrete information that Iran has a secret nuclear reactor that it is producing there nuclear warheads for rockets.

Preparing for False flag strike

As it is known today, the government of Iran is made up only from the people of this cult who believe in this “mahdi” ideology. Whoever doubts this is dismissed from the government (as was the commander of the Iranian revolutionary guards; he was removed from his position and replaced by someone loyal to the President of Iran ym”s)

See Itsreallyhell cult of HASIDM of Shah and Chabad of Sanhedrin the cult of Satan

See Here:





and more Here:

For those of you who have been told that the Proselyte Freemason Pike’s Letter to Mussolini was A HOAX…..

Continued: Another interesting item that often appeared in the world press: astrologists see something amazing:  very soon the Western world will be destroyed by Iran by nuclear weapons (this corresponds exactly with the words of the Medrish above). To differentiate, lately there have been a few Tzaddikim in our generation who also say that soon there will be a nuclear war outside of Israel and in Eretz Yisroel will be the “selection” that was foretold in the prophesy of Zecharia (13:8) and Isaiah 6 (“v’od ba assirya etc” –see Kesubos 112b) by an earthquake, terrifying in its power, unlike anything known in the past.

KJV Revelation of Jesus

Revelation 11:13-15(KJV)

13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.

15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

In view of all this, it is clear that the words of this Medrish: “and the King of Persia returns and destroys the whole world” are very realistic and in light of ongoing world events, it is quite possible that this will actually happen in the near future.

There is also another striking event related to this in the words of our Torah Sages of 2000 years ago (in Yalkut Shimoni Shs”h 4:988) “Rabbi Barchiya said: in three hours in the future HaKadosh Baruch Hu will punish Esav and his men.”  Thus our Torah Scholars (z”l) tell us here that the destruction of the evil Kingdom of Edom will be accomplished “in three hours”.

It is very possible that a nuclear war, as mentioned above, could last only 3 hours and in that time, the evil Kingdom of Edom could be destroyed . It is known from our sages z”l [Malbim, Abarbanel etc.] that today Esav is America, the countries of Europe and the West.


NOTE: When the Medrish says “and destroys the world”, it doesn’t mean “the whole world, literally”; it means according to the Talmudic axiom “most of it is considered as all of it”. One can understand the words of the Midrash from the prophesy of Zecharia (13:8) “and there was throughout Land the words of HaShem, “two parts [of the world] will be cut off and destroyed and a third of it will remain”, which means two thirds of the population of the world will die. Only a third will be left.

All this is regarding the nations of the world as it says in the commentaries there. However concerning Am Yisroel, chas v’shalom, the situation could be even worse if we don’t do Tshuva, as it is written in the Gemorrah (Kesubos 112b, see there). Rashi explains there “when nine parts (of Am Yisroel) will be lost and nothing will be left but a tenth”. Meaning that in the selection process that will take place before the arrival of the Moshiach, 90% of Am Yisroel will die chas v’shalom (if they don’t do tshuva) and only a tenth will survive.


We can see that we are very likely right before a third World War, the like of which has not been known in the past, which will start because of Iran.  As we saw clearly the Prophets and Torah scholars of Israel predicted this thousands of years ago. According to their words as we explained above, the war will develop in 3 stages, one after the other:

Phase 1 – Iran threatens and provokes the king of Saudi Arabia

Phase 2 – King of Saudi Arabia goes to the countries of the West [lead by America] to get advice how to protect themselves

Contrary wise….. and why Dumpity Trump sent the three Chabad Lubavitch emmisaries, Kushner, Greenblatt and Fiedman to Saudi Arabia.

Lucifer’s Sanhedrin and their Proselytes Made Two Fold Children of Hell anti-Christ Noahide Peace Plan as according to their script of deception.

Continued….Phase 3 – Iran opens a nuclear war and destroys the Western world.

Mossad False Flag

(It is possible between these phases there will be only a few hours)


Now everyone has a last opportunity and must choose the direction in which he is headed and decide where his loyalties stand. He has to choose between the good and the bad, between life and death. He has to choose between complete loyalty to the Creator of the World and abandoning himself to the dangers of death, chas v’shalom (if he continues to act according to his desires and follow the vanities of this world).

Whoever wants to save himself, his family and more Jews, the path he should take what he should do to be saved B’Ezrat HaShem is: to accept upon himself Mitzvat Aseh of Tshuva, and make a true chesbon nefesh [accounting] as he never did before, on all his deeds until now  (as many as he can remember) and then:

1. Regret every sin that he did against the will of G-d (lo taaseh) and every sin he avoided doing, Mitzvos HaShem [mitzvat Aseh]

2.  Confess with as much tears and sorrow as possible

3. Accept upon himself that he will be faithful to the Creator, will keep all the mitzvos, keep the ways of HaShem with all his heart and not go back to his evil ways.

4. Of course, if one fails and falls again, then he must immediately get up and start anew, and also l’asok B’Torah and gmilus chassadim l’shem Shomayim, and he will be saved B’Ezrat HaShem,  and merit to greet Moshiach Tzidkaynu speedily in our time, Amen

In the event that many of you have not read or have forgotten my past correspondence with the secretariat of Sanhedrin, Rabie Dov Stein:\

War unto Desolation, thunder

—–Original Message—–
From: Southern American Marketing, Inc. []
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 7:08 PM
To: Dov

So you do not forget

Alert ! Alert! Alert!

Keep in mind……

e-mail from the Hassidic anti-Christ Pharisaic Chabad Lovtobitch (Lubavitch) Sanhedrin of the Dragon….rabid rib-eye Dov Stein

דואר אלקטרוני          אתר אינטרנט

—–Original Message—–
From: Southern American Marketing, Inc. []
Sent: Tuesday, 
August 16, 2005 9:06 PM
To: Dov
Dov SSStein
IT is not chamas who you control who you worry about….IT IS JESUS the Christ GOD and his Father you so tremble.
Very soon your Moshiach and Sanhedrin and your dragon is cast into the pit with death and hell the Covenant you have made to yourselves

His Reply

We authentic Jews will treat CHAMAS (Hamas)  wonderful when we get rid from your christian influence during 2000 years of murdering and thethts. Soon the CHAMAS will treat you christians as it did 11/9 (9-11-2001)


They will come to you before as 11/9
The only chance that you will remain  is the treatment that we the jews will the CHAMAS


From: Southern American Marketing, Inc. []
Sent: Friday, 
August 19, 2005 6:32 PM
To: Dov



Dov Stein
hahah neat manuever
14: And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall.
15: So the king of the north shall come, and cast up a mount, and take the most fenced cities: and the arms of the south shall not withstand, neither his chosen people, neither shall there be any strength to withstand.
So it is time to have your Hamas to “Proceed with your all engulfing “TERROR”
Lob those missiles on the “Lesser Brethren”
and send in Bigboy haha Bushitler
and then double cross him
hahahha gotta hand it to you den of Vipers, you are following the Prophecy of Jesus the Christ 100% and know it not

OH well IW…ITSREALHELL Warner here has told you, REPENT or perish forever, Don Stein

Upon seizing the reins of government, the new Noachide leaders will move quickly to implement a full agenda of reform.  …  Full support will be given to Israeli forces to reinvade PLO-controlled areas, with military assistance offered where necessary.  Jewish courts … will be granted full legal sovereignty over Jewish citizens within each country, who will no longer be subject to the authority of gentile courts.  The pre-existing Noachide judges and courts will replace the existing court system of each country, and the legal code will be drastically rewritten to conform to halacha….  ….  And law and order will be fully restored through the establishment of internal security measures, again in accordance with Torah law. — Committee for Israeli Victory


E-mail from Dov Stein, Sanhedrin 1-26-2006

From: Southern American Marketing, Inc. []
Sent: Thursday, 
January 26, 2006 6:10 PM
To: Dov
well lookie, lookie Dov Stein, the Sanhedrin has pulled off their Hamas Victory, Now all you need is more “Terror” to Justify reinvadeing the Gaza and begin Noahide Enforcement to your strange gods who are no God the Creator, but the murderer from the beginning, that Old serpent the dragon who has given you your power and seat and authority. But lo, and alas It is very, very Temporary, where will you hide on that Great and Terrible Day of the Lord’s wrath for your iniquities, and blasphemy and theft’s and murders? Repent in Jesus the Christ Mighty Name, Dov Stein
From: ??
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:52 AM
Subject: RE:
Hamas is better. Now we will have the oportunity to through (Throw) all of them back to Saudi Arabia what was impossible with Fatach. (Fatah)

With all of the above being said, keeping in mind that the Muslim seek an imminent coming of their Mahdi, the jews, their Moshiach ben David and the Judeo Churchinsanities their Judeo Yaysoose, the Churchian zionist their Yeshu Ha Mashiach, none standing FIRM for Jesus the Christ the King of Kings and the Lord of lords of his Kingdom inherited by him of his Father from the foundation of the world sealed at Calvary, hear what their rabid rib-eyes of Tamud Bavli, Mystery Babylon has to say……


Added 11-10-2017, Obedient anti-Christ Noahides…..7 more deny Christ the Creator and choose Lucifer…….These accept the Mark of the beast openly.

“The rabbi then turned to the four non-Jews and asked them if they were willing to accept the seven Noahide laws, including the requirement of not serving God through an intermediary(Denying Jesus the Lord) This was done as part of an official ruling before a rabbinic tribunal.


Or choose the TRUE Creator Christ Jesus and Repent and abide in KJV Acts 2:38

YOUR Choice, I recommend for you to make that choice very soon.


The entire contents of this blog is used only for education purposes.

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Canada’s Bill C-32 (passed by parliament, but not yet declared)

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48 thoughts on “Yehudi Arabia Partners with the Great Whore of Babylon to Usher in False Christ, Moshiach ben David the Man of Sin

  1. While the yeast of the Talmudic Jewish Pharisess has permeated into the leavened bread of God, the masses who are become proselytes of the jews MADE TWO FOLD THE CHILDREN of HELL (Jesus words).

    While Talmud Bavli of the jews religion says that Jesus is a bastard and the son of a whore, the KORAN speaks of Jesus the Son of Mary as Messiah……..

    And even they know that it is time. Sheikh Omran Hussein explains.


  2. The problem is that they also see Jesus as a flesh ruler to come again and to rule the world from that flesh city of the Bondwoman of Agar, when He alone Rules both the Kingdom of Heaven and the earth is his footstool. Sion God’s Holy Mountain in Heaven (KJV 12)


  3. I still find it amazing that ole “Dov” answers you back.
    Sometimes convicting himself.
    These guys have obviously deemed the sheep so stupid that their arrogance is flagrant.

    Saudi Arabia and Iran, as you point out, are getting seriously up to speed, prophetically, it would appear.
    Someone had to be around at the end of the book. (Bible)
    Looks like we’re it.


    • Exactly

      1 Peter 4:12-19King James Version (KJV)

      12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

      13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

      14 If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.

      15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters.

      16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.

      17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

      18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

      19 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.


  4. NAMED:
    Psalm 138:2
    I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
    Isaiah 62:2
    And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name.
    Isaiah 66:22
    For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.
    Revelation 2:17
    He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
    Revelation 3:5
    He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
    Revelation 3:12
    Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.
    Philippians 2:5-11
    5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
    6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
    7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
    8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
    9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
    10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
    11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory
    NAMELESS (not in the book of life)
    “The rabbis invited the four to return to the Tempe Mount under their new status. On Saturday night, the four newly recognized Noahides (who prefer to remain nameless) will return to their community in Texas.”


  5. NAMED:
    Philippians 2:11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
    1 Corinthians 12:3 (KJV) Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.


  6. The problem is anti-christ verses the jews False Messiah…false Christ, coming as Christ God shewing that he is God sitting in the temple of God…….False God.

    anti-Christ are all them already in the world that denieth Christ the Lord God Almighty


  7. The Evangelicals, proselytes of the Jews, Made TWO FOLD the Children of Hell, deniers of Jesus the Christ Mighty Name, have fallen wholesale into the snare of Lucifer and already embrace the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition to be REVEALED. MAKE NO MISTAKE, these will think to do their false god a service when they deliver the saints of Christ up to their jewish masters to be afflicted and slain for JESUS namesake.


  8. and now even as predicted the judaized proselyte evangelicals Made Two fold the Children of Hell (Jesus words) not only Deny Jesus Name, substituting his name with Judaised names, they are now moving wholesale to calling JESUS, Yeshua Ha Moshiach, already embracing Satan’s Sanhedrin’s to be anointed False Christ, that son of perdition man of sin to be revealed, but now they have attributed the star of Remphan and chiun to the Creator as well. They have not believed the truth in Righteousness, so they are damned, God has sent them strong delusion so that they Believe the Lie.


  9. Yet this too is hegelian dialectics, the pot calling the kettle black and referring to Judaized names for the Living Lord God, Jesus whose name is above every Name and the only name in which to enter into the Kingdom of Sion God’s Holy Mountain in Heaven….BEWARE! Even though this has small truth still full circle to JUDAISATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I DO NOT subscribe to this YHWH, Yahoo, Yeehaw, Yaweh..Yehu.Yehuwaha, etc………….
    HIS NAME is JESUS and He alone is the Christ the Lord God.

    Do not fall for half truths, the above is only example of the satanic insanity which is now raging in this wretched apostate World.


    • Unfortunately, they are falling like flies for the whole “Name Game”.
      Neat trick though, getting the sheep all set up to embrace “Another name”, ahead of time.


  10. and now you understand the anti-Christ Hagee…..leading millions of apostates Made two fold the Children of Hell to hell……………

    Be advised that MURDERERS were never and will never be of the Christ Jesus. Be aware and be advised that the Catholicos was and is of Sanhedrin to manage the lesser bretheran and to deliver the world unto Satan’s Sanhedrin under the anti-Christ Noahide enslavement which is here and now.


  11. The entire world whose names are not written in the Lambs book of Life now await the imminent coming of the Man of Sin that Son of Perdition to be REVEALED.

    The jews, the Catholicos, the Evangelicals, the Muslim all embrace Satan’s Moshiach ben David, False Christ………………..

    Those of JESUS who is Christ his saints stand fast unto the END. AMEN. Are you one of these? Your Choice.


  12. Turkish Adnan Oktar (Yayah Harun) Partnered with Sanhedrin…Beware…Game is set. Evangelicals, Noahides, Muslim, Catholicos, Freemasons and jews are ready for the imposter to be “Revealed”


  13. The people in these videos appear to be under a spell , which should not surprise us. I am not talking about the strong delusion from God, this looks like sorcery, which is exactly the power the anti-christ will wield.


    • That’s one seriously creepy looking crew.
      The one in the green dress looks like some kind of A.I. fembot.
      Any of them not had an eye lift and Botox lip injections?
      Then again Botox is pig fat.
      Mohamed might have an issue with that.

      The rest of them look as shallow as a plate of pee.
      Or Cougars that would stalk the young males of their species at the local watering hole.

      This video should have a screen shot taken and then have it affixed on warning labels everywhere.


    • These are props for the Mr. YaYah Harun….prety prettys of the pretty pretty Mahdi to be “Revealed”

      But note: these are not Arabs.


  14. OK, let me clarify, this is Ya Yah Harun of Sanhedrin merging Madhi and Mashiach and Yeshushohua, and his Harem……………….this is what Sanhedrin and Satan seeks…


  15. They believe their own fables, for they have rejected the TRUTH in Righteousness, poor souls, they need Jesus, but they love themselves too much to give that up for Him. Eternity in the Lake of Fire is not what Jesus wants for them, yet they choose it, it is so maddening, please come to Jesus , stop denying He is God, please, He invites ALL to be clothed in His Righteousness, Repent and be Baptized in Jesus name!. Only Jesus Blood can wash away sin, only Jesus Blood Saves. Quickly the hour is late, Repent!


    • Now their scheme to their shem of shame compounds daily.
      The evangelicals and catholicos have completely abandoned the Name of Jesus the Christ after 2000 years and have fallen for the fables of the jews completely, the Great Fallen away, Before that Man of Son the Son of Perdition is revealed by the Shema-GOG of Satan’s Sinai GOG.

      They await their flesh kingy and now they call him Yeshua Ha Mashiach, and now they have given this imposter the six pointed star of Chiun and Remphan as his Mar of His name.

      BEWARE and Stand Fast in the Name above every Name and the only name in which to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Deny JESUS before men and the Lord has denied you before the Father.

      Stand Fast saints of Our Lord Jesus.


  16. Praise and Glory and Honor to the Most High Jesus the Christ the Almighty God.

    Vengeance is mine saith the LORD (KJV)



  17. Just One More Lord God, Just one more.

    I have been raging a battle against the Date Rapers, who have been slipped the ecstasy pill into their cup of their whores indignation.

    One has been Jerry Toney.

    Jerry has just made a youtube video……….a Parable

    Please Pray for Jerry.

    Just One Lord Jesus, just one Lord, send your sheep.


    • If Jerry Toney has awakened Lord Jesus, 20 years of obedience unto you would be vindicated, Lord God. He is worthy to enter into your Kingdom in Jesus Mighty Name.


  18. That’s Right Brother! It is ALL about Jesus and His Power ! Praise Him for keeping us, by His Power!

    1 Peter 1 : 3-5

    3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

    4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,

    5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.


  19. So far it seems you and I and Jerry may be the only three who might understand this. So it is what it is in all of its glory.


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